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Openworld FlashPresenter Features

Getting Started with Openworld FlashPresenter

Your Presentation Screen

PowerPoint Import

PowerPoint Import Wizard

Step 1 - Open Presentation

Step 2 - PowerPoint Slide Narration

Step 3 - Narration Results

PowerPoint Import Preferences

Creating New Presentation

Getting Started

Video Setup

Video Encoding Setup

Transcript Setup

Slides Setup

Media Synchronization

Synchronization Overview

Editing Transcript

Synchronizing the Transcript

Contents Creation

Synchronizing Slides

Synchronizing Speakers

Hyperlinks and Resources Links Creation

Synchronizing Hyperlinks and Resources Links

Glossary Building

Creating Quizzes

New Quiz Creation

Quiz Properties Setup

Quiz Customization

Quiz Results Processing

Presentation Export

Exporting Your Presentation

Using HTTP Streaming technology for video/audio


Flash Media Server
Configuration Basics

Accompanying Tools

Video Converter

Video Joiner

Video Encoding Preferences

MP3 To FLV Converter

MP3 Compressor

Audio Uncompressor

MP3 Sound Recorder


DEMO Mode Limitations

Software Activation and Order Information

Contact Information


Quiz Results Processing

How to process quiz results using server-side scripting language:

It is pretty obvious, that you might wish to process testing results in your learning management system (LMS). You can do it with ease, as quiz results can be sent to your server-side script in standard form, containing all significant result data, and can be stored in a database. The server-side script interface is described below.


The next variables are sent to the server-side script in the submit request, which is sent by POST method:

General quiz data:

is_submit The flag, which server-side script should return = 1 if the results are submitted correctly or = 0 if some error is found and results must be submitted once again. Initial value is 0.

quiz_id: The quiz ID is used in LMS to identify quiz.

user_id: the user ID is filled by the user and identifies him/her in the LMS.

total_points: The total points value in the quiz.

passing_points: Passing score level, set for the quiz.

correct_points: User score.

q_count: Questions count in the quiz.

Question data for each question N from 0 to q_count - 1

q_N_passed: Results of question passing. May be true or false.

q_N_timeused: Time, used for question answering. Zero if timer was inactive for this question.

Answer data for each answer M, that user has made for this question, including both correct and incorrect answers. M is within the interval from 0 up to the maximal answer number, available for user's input for the question N minus one.

q_N_answer_M: Answer value for each answer. Some question types may have multiple answers. "True/false", "Multiple Choices" and "Multiple Response" question types have answers as integer ordering number of the answer variant, specified for the question. "Free Text" and "Fill in the Blank" types have answers, as strings in UTF-8 encoding.


The next variables should be sent back from the script:

is_submit: The flag, which server-side script should return = 1 if the results are submitted correctly or = 0 if some error is found and results must be submitted once again.

submit_msg: The string, formatted as WWW-URL-encoded UTF-8 string, containing any message, which will be displayed in the quiz result dialog. It may contain as success message as error message, if the is_submit variable is returned with 0 value. The default message (is embedded into quiz code) will be used if the submit_msg value returned is empty.

Output data must be sent to the client-side application through the standard output in usual WWW-URL-Encoded form like this:



A simple PHP script is shown below. It does nothing but collect input variables, write them to a log file, set the meaningful variable is_submit to 1 and report the client's IP address to the client as the submit results message.

The script is compatible with PHP of version 5 and above, installed as module of the Apache webserver.

  $p = $_POST;
  $f = fopen("log.txt","a");
  foreach($p as $k => $v) {
    fwrite($f, $k . "=" . $v . " ");
  fwrite($f, "\n");
  $msg .= "\n";
  $msg .= "Your%20IP%20is%20$addr";
  $msg .= "\n\n";
  $msg .= "Press%20\"Continue\"%20to%20exit.";
  echo "is_submit=1&submit_msg=$msg";

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