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Openworld FlashPresenter Features

Getting Started with Openworld FlashPresenter

Your Presentation Screen

PowerPoint Import

PowerPoint Import Wizard

Step 1 - Open Presentation

Step 2 - PowerPoint Slide Narration

Step 3 - Narration Results

PowerPoint Import Preferences

Creating New Presentation

Getting Started

Video Setup

Video Encoding Setup

Transcript Setup

Slides Setup

Media Synchronization

Synchronization Overview

Editing Transcript

Synchronizing the Transcript

Contents Creation

Synchronizing Slides

Synchronizing Speakers

Hyperlinks and Resources Links Creation

Synchronizing Hyperlinks and Resources Links

Glossary Building

Creating Quizzes

New Quiz Creation

Quiz Properties Setup

Quiz Customization

Quiz Results Processing

Presentation Export

Exporting Your Presentation

Using HTTP Streaming technology for video/audio


Flash Media Server
Configuration Basics

Accompanying Tools

Video Converter

Video Joiner

Video Encoding Preferences

MP3 To FLV Converter

MP3 Compressor

Audio Uncompressor

MP3 Sound Recorder


DEMO Mode Limitations

Software Activation and Order Information

Contact Information


Step 3 - Narration Results

How to check slides narration:

The main purpose of this page is to let you create a tree-shaped Contents navigation menu for your presentation and also check the summary of slides narration for the whole presentation. Here you can easily identify slides, which are not yet narrated and/or slides, having problems with narration. Please note that the Wizard can export only fully narrated PowerPoint presentatation. The "Next" button will be inactive util all slides will be shown as having "good" narration.

How Narration Results Page looks:

Creating a tree-shaped Contents navigation menu:

 You can use toolbuttons, located above the list, to arrange list items as you need. You can create multi-level tree structure, creating a "parent" topics and associating slides with them. Virtually you can create as many nesting levels, as you wish. You can hide some items from view, so they will not be exported this time, but will be saved in the original Powerpoint presentation. You can make them to be visible back any time you wish.

 You can assign a specific Speaker Title / Subtitle for any slide in the list. Speaker data initialy are taken from the PPT file. You can modify them. These data will appear below speaker image in the Openworld FlashPresenter presentation in synch with the slide appearance.

As you can see, each slide item in the list has a labels of either green, yellow or red color, indicating the narration state for this slide.

How to recognize slides narration states:

 "Good Narration" Indicates that both transcript and soundtrack are created for this slide.

 "Transcript May Differ From Soundtrack" means that either transcript or audiotrack is too short. You can check the slide narration parameters by double-clicking the list item. Also you can set the limits, applied in this check, using Preferences page.

 "Unsupported Audio Format" means that this slide has associated audiotrack, recrded in another format (sampling rate, bitrate, etc.) than other slide soundtracks. It is nesessary to keep audio format just the same for all slides in the presentation to have the ability of export into Openworld FlashPresenter format. Indeed, the audio format is the same for all slides, narrated by the Wizard itself. So, this case may happen only if presentation already have some audio tracks, created by PowerPoint itself or by other tools.

 Narration Is Absent Or Too Short" means that this slide has no transcript and/or soundtrack associated. Also it may be shown if slide's audiotrack duration is less than 10 sec. This is because Openworld FlashPresenter has technical limits, applied to slides appearance rate. Slides can't appear faster than by 10 s. It is caused by limited downloding time, which may be sensible when presentation is opened through the Internet. Slides are downloaded one-by-one in background to achieve the smart slides update and low pre-loading time simultaneously. Therefore next slide is downloaded few seconds before it should appear on the screen. So, we need some time (around 10 s, approx.) to "prepare" the next slide while current slide is still visible. 10 seconds limit appropriates for vast majority of cases.

Other elements you can setup:

 Save PowerPoint presentation before exit if checked saves the narration changes in the original PPT / PPS file. You can choose the file name to save modified PowerPoint presentation. Tree-shaped Contents structure as well as Speaker Titles/Subtitles also will be saved in a special area of PPT file, invisible for Powerpoint, so you'll can re-open your presentation in PowerPoint for further modifications, then use it again in Openworld Flash Presenter Wizard. All new slides (if any) in this case will be added to the root level of the the Contents tree.

 FlashPresenter Project File Name will be used to save Openworld FlashPresenter project, generated by this Wizard.

Finally you need to click the "Finish" buttom at the bottom to start the export process.

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